The copy command copies a file(s) from one directory to another, either on the same storage device or a different storage device.
/v verifies that the new copied files are written correctly
/y will suppress any prompts that ask you to confirm that you want to overwrite an existing destination file.
The syntax to copy a file with verification would look something like this: copy /v fileNameToCopy destination where fileNameToCopy would be the name of your file that you want to copy and destination is the destination of where you want to place your copied file.
The xcopy command is used when you want to copy multiple files in multiple directories at the same time. The xcopy command can look at an entire subdirectory of files and folders and copy all of them with a single command.
The robocopy is a better version of xcopy that is included with Windows 7, 8.1, and 10. Robo stands for robust. The advantage that robocopy provides is that it can resume a file transfer if it is interrupted. It uses a similar syntax to xcopy.