Unable to install printer
Being unable to install a printer indicates issues with the computer’s operating system. You’ll need to install printer drivers in order to be able to install a printer. So first you need to determine if you have the proper rights to install printer drivers. Next, check that the correct printer driver is installed. For example if you have a 32 bit OS, you wouldn’t want to be installing the 64 bit driver. You can’t mix and match the 32 bit and 64 bit drivers, so make sure you install a 32 bit driver on a 32 bit OS, and a 64 bit driver on a 64 bit machine.
Error codes
When a printer experiences an issue, it will mostly display an error message on its front conosole. The error message may be detailed or will provide you with a code that you may have to reference in the printer’s documentation.
Printing blank pages
No image on printer display
Multiple failed jobs in logs
If a print job becomes corrupted it could cause the spooler to fail. When the spooler fails it may automatically restart and try to print the corrupted job again which causes to spooler to fail again, and this cycle could continue to repeat itself. These errors will be logged in the Windows Event Viewer. Look for the Windows Print Service messages in particular.
One specific job may cause the spooler to fail each time. Monitor the print queue for details. If you notice this occurring, remove the print job from the queue to see if the printer is able to print the other jobs properly.