Most often you will use the graphical user interface to get around Windows, however there may be times when you’re forced to use command line instead.
The dir command will list all of the files and sub directories that are in your current directory.
The cd command is used to move between directories. cd can stand for Change working Directory.
For example, suppose you have a folder called Colors. Within this folder are 3 sub folders: Red, Blue, and Green. In the command prompt, lets say you’re currently in the Colors folder, and you want to move into the Red folder. To do this you would type the command: cd Red
Use the backslash (\) to specify an exact volume or folder name.
The two dots/periods combined with the cd command will move you to the folder above your current working directory. For example, in the prior scenario, let’s say you’re currently in the Red folder. To get back to the above Colors folder, you would type in the command: cd ..